Ways to get rid of boredom in married life

Ways to get rid of boredom in married life

Ways to get rid of boredom in married life
- Some women because of her interest in her home and her child and her work if a working woman makes her forget the attention in her form and personal cleanliness, which makes her husband alienate them against his will even if he loves and it is true that your interest in these things is your duty but your husband also has a right you must take care of it With the repetition of these things will begin to get used to them and then forget what was between you love and affection.

Causes of boredom in married life

Long trips outside the house .. Hiking, trips, and friends.
Discover new hobbies and talents, entertaining games and now the fashion of the Internet.
May resort to indulging in long and hard work.
The fabrication of problems and anxieties inside the house may reach a divorce.
Some couples resort to marriage again and sometimes third.
God may forbid him to look for relationships that have no legitimacy or wrong conduct.

Tips to get rid of boredom in married life

  • After you have childbearing, do not make yourself vulnerable to losing your appearance
Which you love your husband and that you suffer from obesity that changes the shape of your body and you can know that breastfeeding is one of the guaranteed methods of losing weight and get rid of fat and excess fat in the body so exercise in exercise even if at home and seek to change your shape and appearance and method Hold your hair and shape continuously.
  • Do not make the dimension happen between you and your husband, but without being troublesome 
For example, you can take him outside the house or call him once to ask him about his condition and make sure that he will return home.
  • You begin to open conversations between you and him 
And do not wait for it to start and not be wrong to show your desire for intimacy with him even if he does not show it.
  • Feeling like the most important person in your life
Even from yourself and that being by your side gives you security and protection.
  • Let him feel that you are jealous of him but with feelings of love 
Do not exaggerate so as not to bother you and do not monitor it permanently.
  • We also treat your children and give them the same attention you give them 
But do not confuse this with excessive pampering that can make him feel upset.

Tips for a wonderful married life

 Kindness and kindness

That the husband and wife treat each other gently and gently and this is what we ordered by our religion, where the words of the word Litlitif mentioned in the Koran. This confirms the need to treat the couple with compassion.

 Breaking boredom and monotony

Creating and inventing new ideas to renew the covenant between the couple and break the boredom and intimacy of the infiltrators of their relationship, for example follow this saying (a small gift without occasion is better than a great gift on the occasion) The Prophet, peace be upon him, "Tahadua loved" If surprised each other's each period gift Simply expresses the feeling of love and gratitude for the presence of each other in the life of this deepen the communication between them, or ask the husband to leave his wife in a timely manner and send a beautiful jars with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a thin word of it is an effective movement with women and happy.


The Romantic Prophet did not need a special effort or arrangement. The Holy Prophet ran the cup and drank from the place where Mrs. Aisha had been drinking, so I called for a men's salon that included courses to train men and teach them how to deal romanticly with wives and to understand the true meaning of marriage in the religion of Islam.


Where the husband should treat his wife with a smile like a child and must be respected, as well as the wife to treat her husband with respect
and appreciation, and between both of them and in front of people.


It is necessary to know that the man is taken from his eyes and the woman is taken from her ears, so even if her husband is ugly and listened to him happy words will move feelings, but is the mother of the girl advised her daughter not to fall in the eyes of her husband only on all beautiful and smells only the best smell, The wife should take care of her appearance and appearance inside and outside the house, maintain her grace and not neglect herself under the pretext of  pregnancy and  children, renew itself and follow the latest fashion to be always a flash to her husband's eye.

 Decorating is important

The man should avoid neglecting his form and appearance because this will be reflected on his wife as a mirror to each other. Neglect is a factor that fosters boredom between the spouses. Abdullah bin Masood said, "I like to adorn my wife as I would like to decorate me."


Restore beautiful memories and try to renew them, and the sense of aesthetics in each of them looking for the beautiful qualities in them to strengthen their love for each other

Bad features

The husband and wife should look at each other in order to try and change the flaws and bad traits that exist within them, and ask themselves if they are deficient in the other's right or not. If there is a default, it must be fixed immediately.

conversation language

Creating a language of dialogue between them and breaking the state of silence, and that the understanding and quiet discussion and honesty of their language so as not to fall prey to pressure and prioritize and organize their lives and needs and deal rationally with the problems.

 Urbanization and slavery

We have to understand the meaning of tolerance and civilized progress in dealing with this, and this is what men need in order to deal with paper love with their wives. This relationship is supposed to be the product of love but the mixing of ignorance and lack Knowledge with marital bullying hurts this special relationship, which makes it reflected negatively on the psychological side of the couple, especially women, and this is one of the most important reasons that affect the system of marriage negatively.

Why is marriage getting bored?

Lack of communication

The lack of communication does not mean that the husband and wife do not speak at all, but mean that their talk is limited only to financial matters, children's affairs, and some other social responsibilities, but there is no friendly conversation between them, which leads to boredom. Couples do not think they need to talk together to understand each other, but communication is absolutely necessary because we can not read what is in the minds and we should not try to do it either. Both of you need to communicate with their partner clearly and frankly so that each of you can express himself to the other but without blame or violence.

Misconceptions about marriage

Most couples have preconceived beliefs about marriage, such as "necessary evil" or "end." These couples often see the marital relationship as a must and may, therefore, succumb to boredom and routine and accept them as facts in life and do not make any attempts to maintain the luster and richness of that relationship.

Do not meet needs

Men and women each have different needs, but they may not pay attention to that fact. As a result, one party may try to satisfy the needs of the other in the best way it sees it without realizing that it may not be what the other party wants or needs. This misunderstanding may lead to anger and one party is often accused of selfishness. Both of you must clarify the needs of the other party without using general terms such as "I want to be happy" or "I need to feel you love me." Instead, explain to each other how he can meet his needs.

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