How to strengthen immunity for children

How to strengthen immunity for children

The majority of mothers suffer from the vulnerability of their children, which makes them more vulnerable to diseases and viruses,
such as respiratory diseases such as asthma, allergies, pneumonia, etc., such as diarrhea and sore throat, because the weakness of the immune system reduces its ability to function properly and integrated, And epidemics prevent them from entering the body .. But how to strengthen the immunity of our children and protect them from the risk of the weakness of their immunity, which presents them to the injury of many different diseases in a sequentially this is Malouf discussed in this article in detail.

First: What is the concept of immunodeficiency in children?

Before looking for solutions to strengthen the immunity of our children, we first have to understand the meaning of "Immune Deficiency", it is a weakness in the body's immune system, which makes it unable to resist diseases, bacteria and viruses, so the child becomes vulnerable to disease in a consecutive and permanent, meaning that the number of times infected by disease Much more than a natural child who has strong immunity.

Second: How to strengthen children's immunity through food?

One of the best and safest ways to strengthen children's immunity is to rely on healthy and healthy foods and a healthy diet, but it varies depending on the age of the child. Therefore, we will start with you from the age of months to adult children. For example, in infants, we rely on breastfeeding to strengthen immunity, But if your child is over the age of 6 months can rely on some of the food that we will list now.


If your child is not more than a month old and has a weak immune system, this is the best solution for breastfeeding. It has anti-oxidants that strengthen the baby's immunity, resist viruses and germs and expel them outside the body.


At the top of the foods that help strengthen the immunity of the child fish of all kinds, such as "salmon, tuna and mackerel," due to the availability of omega-3 oil, which provides the body with useful fatty acids, which in turn helps to strengthen immunity and
improve the health and activity and vitality of the child, you can rely on Fish as a healthy food snack for the child, and try to master in
order to be accepted by your child.

fruits and vegetables

  • There is a range of fruits helps to strengthen the immunity of our children, and that because it is rich in vitamins and minerals that help the
    formation of antibodies in the body, such as banana is the energy-rich, minerals and fiber source and provide the body with potassium, as well as
    kiwis are rich Bamoanseyoum and vitamin c and its chlorophyll, which in turn is working on Protecting our children from
    malignant diseases such as cancer.
  • As for vegetables, it is possible to rely on tomatoes to strengthen the immunity of the child because it is rich in lycopene, as well as spinach,
    it contains iron, which provides the body active and vital antioxidants, and garlic, which is famous for its ability
    to expel toxins from the body, and broccoli is rich in fiber and minerals and vitamins and helps to strengthen the
    heart And blood vessels.
     Vegetables and fruits and strengthen children's immunity

Thirdly: A set of habits and advice greatly helps to strengthen the child's immunity

  • The sun and the air are the most important factors that help to strengthen the child's immunity, but only clean air free of exhaust cars and
    any agents polluted to the air, such as smoking and others, the child should breathe completely pure air, as well as beneficial sunlight in the morning.
  • Stay away from the use of public toilets and pay much attention to the cleanliness of the child, and the allocation of specific tools for the child as a bottle of water and spoon and cup and brush teeth not used by others.
  • Sleeping the child for sufficient periods during the night and away from any source of tension or concern about him, and attention to the cleanliness and ventilation of his bedding.
     Finally, our children are very much influenced by everything around them so their attention should be paid to their details, nourishment, proper nutrition and attention to the quality of the meals provided to them and their choice carefully.

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