Important information about pregnancy from the first month of pregnancy until the month of birth

Important information about pregnancy from the first month of pregnancy until the month of birth

Pregnancy occurs as a result of the union of mature sperm with the mature egg that emerges from the ovaries during the phenomenon of ovulation (in the middle of the menstrual cycle ) ... And grows the membrane lining the uterus more to embrace and feed the next fetus, thus interrupting the menstrual cycle, the normal pregnancy is 280 days from the first to last menstruation, However, there is a significant difference in the duration of pregnancy ... it is about 42 weeks. It is a preterm birth that occurs after the completion of 28 weeks and before the completion of 37 weeks and the child is called preterm 1 and full-term fetal birth occurs 37 weeks before completion of 42 weeks.

First Month

Pictures of the first month of pregnancy
  • Fertilization and ovulation occur approximately 14 days after the first day of the last menstrual period.
  • After 10 days, the fertilized egg is inserted into the uterine wall and the blood cycle begins in the uterine placenta.
  • In the third week, the spinal cord, the heart tube, the primitive brain, the eyes, and the kidney begin to form.
  • After about a month of fertilization, the egg reaches about 5 mm.
  • The sensitive mother may experience some symptoms (symptoms similar to the common cold) at the next menstrual period, and be careful not to take the medicine in this period.

pregnancy signs

  • Menopause - PMS
  • Feel nausea and vomiting
  • The urine test for pregnancy becomes positive in the first month
  • Blood analysis is recommended to confirm pregnancy

Symptoms of the first month on the body

  • Absence of menstrual cycle A slight blood spot may appear at the date of the course.
  • Repeat urination.
  • Fatigue and sleepiness.
  • Nausea with vomiting and an increase in the secretion of saliva.
  • Heartburn and difficulty in digestion.
  • Abdominal distension and a feeling of fullness.
  • Aversion to food or craving for a particular type of food.
  • Feeling pain or tenderness in the chest or the halo of the breasts may become darker as blue lines may appear under the skin of the chest
  • Because of the increased amount of blood flowing to him.

Psychological symptoms

  • A sense of poise like the situation that precedes the menstrual cycle.
  • A quick shift in mood.
  • Impatience, tension, and confusion, and anxiety.
  • Or you may feel scariness and happiness and a high emotional spirit.

Instructions for the first month of pregnancy

  • Stop taking any drugs, drugs or x-rays without consulting your doctor.
  • Completely stop smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • Follow-up pregnancy in the hospital.

Fetal shape in the first month

  • At the end of the first month, the embryo is very small, the size of a grain of rice.
  • After two weeks, the nucleus begins to form as well as the heart, digestive system, and sensory organs.
  • Hands and legs begin to form.

second month

  • The arms, legs, and face can be seen clearly.
  • The brain begins to grow rapidly, reaching about half the size of the body.
  • By the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, the fetus size reaches 2 _ 3 cm and weighs about 4 g.
  • Morning sickness begins.
  • The breasts become firm and firm, while the nipple and the halo around it become color.
  • The possibility of miscarriage is still high because the placenta has not yet fully developed.
  • Beware of taking the medicine

The second month of pregnancy

  • Feeling tired and tired
  • Increased vomiting and nausea
  • Increased urination times

Symptoms of the second month on the body

  • Nausea with vomiting and an increase in the secretion of saliva.
  • Repeat urination.
  • Fatigue and sleepiness.
  • Constipation.
  • Heartburn and difficulty in digestion.
  • Abdominal distension and a feeling of fullness.
  • Aversion to food or craving for a particular type of food.
  • Sometimes headaches due to changes in hormones.
  • Sometimes dizziness and fainting.
  • Clothes begin to tighten around the waist and chest.
  • Fullness and heaviness or softness in the chest and darken the color of the halo of the breasts as veins appear under the skin of the breast.

Psychological symptoms

  • A sense of poise like the situation that precedes the menstrual cycle.
  • A quick shift in mood.
  • Impatience, tension, and confusion, and anxiety.
  • You may feel fear, joy, and high spirits.

Pregnancy instructions in the second month

  1. Healthy nutrition is recommended for the baby's need for food at that important stage but not too much
  2. The doctor can confirm pregnancy through vaginal examination

Fetal shape in the second month

  • At the end of the second month of fetal be more closely resemble humans.
  • It is about 3.5 cm from the head to the rear and the head forms one-third of the length.
  • It weighs about 9 g.
  • His heart beats.
  • It has limbs with the beginning of the fingers.
  • Bones begin to replace cartilage

the third month

  • The nail base is formed and the head becomes relatively smaller than the previous stage.
  • Can tell the reproductive organs.
  • The size of the baby is up to 10 cm and weighs approximately 30 grams.
  • A continuous presence in the urine at the mother, the output becomes more intense.
  • The mother feels some abdominal weight, pressure on the ankles, ease of constipation and diarrhea.

The third month of pregnancy

  • What the mother feels
  • Nausea begins to disappear
  • Weight starts to increase
  • Less urination
  • Suffering from some constipation

Symptoms of the third month on the body

  • Nausea with vomit or without vomiting and an increase in the secretion of saliva.
  • Repeat urination.
  • Fatigue and sleepiness.
  • Constipation.
  • Heartburn and difficulty in digestion.
  • Abdominal distension and a feeling of fullness.
  • Increase in appetite.
  • headache sometimes because of the changes in the hormones.
  • Sometimes dizziness and fainting.
  • Abdomen begins to appear at the end of this month.
  • Clothing narrowing around the waist and chest.
  • Fullness and heaviness or softness in the chest and darken the color of the halo of the breasts as veins appear under the skin of the breast.

Psychological symptoms

  • Feeling unbalanced.
  • A new sense of calm.
  • Tension and sometimes crying.
  • Or you may feel joy, high spirits, and spirit.

Instructions for the third month of pregnancy

  1. Proper nutrition is very important
  2. Follow doctor's instructions

Fetal shape in the third month

  1. At the end of the third month, the baby's length is 5 cm-7.5 cm.
  2. Fetal weight about 15 grams.
  3. His organs grow more like the urinary system, the liver, and the circulatory system.
  4. Genital organs begin to grow but it is difficult to determine the sex of the fetus in this period of the outer shape.

Fourth month

The placenta develops completely, and the embryo actively circulates in the amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac. The length of the fetus is about 18 cm and weighs about 120 grams.
  • The evolution of organs is almost complete.
  • The scalp develops.
  • As morning sickness becomes less, appetite increases.
  • The uterus is puffy, the pain is intermittent in the back.
  • Eat protein-rich foods and enough iron-containing foods, increase your calorie intake by up to 10%.

The fourth month of pregnancy

  1. The nipple and the surrounding area become darker
  2. Weight gain becomes obvious pregnancy

Symptoms of the fourth month on the body

  • Feel tired and tired.
  • Urination less than the former.
  • Lessor less nausea and vomiting disappear.
  • Constipation.
  • Heartburn and dyspepsia.
  • Abdominal distension and a feeling of fullness.
  • The size of the chest continues to grow, but the swelling and softness disappear.
  • Dizziness and headaches are sometimes especially with a rapid movement of the head.
  • Increase in appetite to eat.
  • Congestion in the nose and a blockage in the ear.
  • Simple inflatable hands, feet and sometimes face.
  • Fetal movement can be felt by the end of the month.

Psychological symptoms

  • Feeling anxious and tense.
  • Feeling particularly happy and feeling that you are actually pregnant.
  • Feeling frustrated if you do not feel comfortable and at the same time increase your weight.
  • A feeling that you are not normal: forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, brainstorming.

Pregnancy instructions in the fourth month

  1. Wear loose clothing from now until the end of pregnancy
  2. The embryo can be seen by ultrasound detection
  3. Your doctor may prescribe some iron tablets if you need them

Fetal shape in the fourth month

Fetal shape in the fourth month
  • At the end of the fourth month, the fetus becomes 10 cm long.
  • Feeding on the placenta.
  • Grow has reflections like palms and swallowing.
  • The fingers appear clearly and the protrusions of the teeth and head appear clear.
  • The fetus can not live outside the womb even though it is a full human being.

the fifth month

  • The fetus actively moves its arms and legs, its heartbeat can be heard, the fetal length is about 25 cm and its weight is about 300 grams.
  • Hair grows all over his body.
  • Embryonic metabolism begins (cell regeneration), the fetus can be examined by taking a sample of amniotic fluid.
  • The mother's weight increases rapidly and overall. The uterus (uterus) rises to the navel level.
  • The mother feels the movements of the child.
  • The mother should increase the intake of iron either by eating or feeding to avoid anemia (the doctor prescribes vitamins and iron for the prenatal period).

The fifth month of pregnancy

  • Weight continues to increase
  • Stains and pigmentation in the body and may increase the cost of the face
  • The mother begins to feel the movement of the fetus
  • Vaginal secretions increase

Symptoms of the fifth month on the body

  • Fetal movement.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen due to stretch.
  • Constipation.
  • Heartburn and indigestion and distention and gas.
  • Vertigo and headache sometimes.
  • Congestion in the nose and a blockage in the ear.
  • Open appetite to eat.
  • Tensile muscles.
  • Mild swelling in the hands and feet and face.
  • Backache.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Pigment (change of color or spots) in the skin of the abdomen and face.

Psychological symptoms

  • Accept pregnancy and adapt.
  • less stressed than before and the mood is more stable.
  • Persistence in the displacement of mind.

Pregnancy instructions in the fifth month

  1. Do not get too much sun exposure until the cost increases.
  2. Pay attention to proper nutrition.

Fetal shape in the fifth month

  • At the end of the fifth month, the activity of the fetus becomes more intense, and this is evident by kicking and moving.
  • The length of the fetus becomes 20-25 cm.
  • The hair of the head, eyebrows, and eyelashes appears white.
  • Amniotic greasy coating visor.

The sixth month

  • The child's length is about 30 cm and weighs 700 grams. There are eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • The child moves more actively and constantly changes his position.
  • Covered with fuzzy hair, cervical secretions (whitish, milk-like texture).
  • Swelling and swelling in the ankles and legs in the mother easily, and it must raise its legs constantly to reduce ascites.
  • Increase intake of 10% calorie intake and reduce salt.

The sixth month of pregnancy

  • The weight increases and the abdomen begins to appear
  • The mother may feel back pain
  • The mother begins to feel the movement of the fetus in the lower abdomen

Symptoms of the sixth month on the body

  • Clear movement of the fetus.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen because of the expansion of the uterus.
  • Constipation.
  • Heartburn and indigestion and distention and gas.
  • Congestion in the nose and a blockage in the ear.
  • Open appetite to eat.
  • Contractions in the leg muscles.
  • Mild swelling in the hands and feet and face.
  • Itching in the abdomen.
  • Backache.
  • Pigment (change of color or spots) in the skin of the abdomen and face.
  • Breast enlargement.

Psychological symptoms

  • Absent-mindedness.
  • The boredom of pregnancy.
  • Fears about the future.

Pregnancy instructions in the sixth month

  1. In the case of back pain, the mother is advised to wear low boots
  2. Raise the feet on a seat when sitting

Fetal shape in the sixth month

  1. At the end of the sixth month, the fetus is about 32 cm long and weighs about 750 g.
  2. His skin will be thin and shiny.
  3. His fingerprints are clear and the eyelids begin to separate.
  4. Carefully focused and super-baby can live if born at the end of the month.

the seventh month

  • The length is about 37 cm and the weight is about 1000 grams.
  • The skin is dandruff, translucent and pinky.
  • It appears that the brain begins to control the function of organs.
  • The lungs are still not developed, so the viability of this period is about 67%.
  • Urinary retention increases in the mother. Can hemorrhoids and varicose veins appear?
  • Zidi intake of cold milk and vegetables to stimulate the contraction movement of the bowel (bowel movement).
  • If the weight gain is more than 500 g per week, consult your doctor immediately.

The seventh month of pregnancy

  • The mother feels better with the symptoms of pregnancy
  • Be able to see fetal movement
  • Urinary pressure increases on the bladder
  • Some swelling appears in the ankles
  • You can know the sex of the fetus
  • Breathing increases speed
  • Some contractions appear in the muscles

Symptoms of the seventh month on the body

  • The fetal movement to become stronger and more frequent.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen because of the expansion of the uterus.
  • Heartburn and indigestion and distention and gas.
  • Congestion in the nose and a blockage in the ear.
  • Bleeding in the gums sometimes.
  • Contractions in the leg muscles.
  • Slight swelling in the heel of the foot and sometimes in the hands and face.
  • Small uterine contractions.
  • Backache.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath.
  • Colostrum (a yellowish substance that precedes the descent of milk) from the chest.

Psychological symptoms

  • Increased anxiety and anxiety about maternal and obstetric motherhood.
  • Disintegration in the mind.
  • Dreams and fantasies about the fetus.
  • Boredom and impatience of the pregnancy.
  • A strong feeling that the remaining period of pregnancy will pass as soon as possible.

Pregnancy instructions in the seventh month

  1. The mother is advised to raise her feet if there is a tumor
  2. In the case of muscle cramps, the mother advises increasing the amount of calcium in her diets, such as cheese and milk

The shape of the fetus in the seventh month

The shape of the fetus in the seventh month
  • At the end of the seventh month, the fat is formed on the fetus.
  • The baby can suck his finger and cry.
  • Feel the fetus taste (sweet or bitter)
  • Feel pain, light, and sound.
  • If the fetus is born in this period, it can live and weigh about 1 kg and 350 g.

eighth month

Photos of pregnancy in the eighth month
  • The length is about 40 cm and the weight is about 1800 g.
  • The dermis begins to develop and wrinkles disappear.
  • The hearing aid is almost completely developed and the child responds to sounds.
  • The function of the musculoskeletal system becomes more active.
  • Liveability at this time is about 67%.
  • Stress appears on the abdomen, chest, and back.
  • The uterine cavity becomes higher.
  • Intermittent contractions come and go, the mother needs to take enough rest to reduce the weight on the heart.

The eighth month of pregnancy

  • The ruination of the fetus in the pelvis is more frequent.
  • Breathing improves.

Symptoms of the eighth month on the body

  • A clear and strong movement of the fetus.
  • Heartburn and indigestion and gas.
  • Congestion in the nose and a blockage in the ear.
  • Bleeding in the gums.
  • Strain and muscle spasms in his legs.
  • Swelling and swelling in the hands and feet face.
  • Contractions in the uterus.
  • Backache.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Difficulty in taking a deep breath.
  • Itching in the abdomen.
  • Colostomy from the chest.

Psychological symptoms

  • Lack of patience and desire for the remaining period of pregnancy to pass quickly.
  • Disorientation in the mind and lack of attention and forgetfulness.
  • Dreams, fantasies, and concerns about the fetus and its health and shape.
  • Joy and pleasure because the date of birth is not far.

Pregnancy instructions in the eighth month

  1. You must stop lifting heavy objects
  2. Follow the doctor weekly

The shape of the fetus in the eighth month

Image of the shape of the fetus in the eighth month
  • By the end of the eighth month, the fetal brain and brain development is progressing significantly.
  • I can see and hear.
  • In this period, all organs of his body are completed except for his lungs, which continue to grow until the end of pregnancy.
  • If the fetus is born in this period, it can live and weigh about 2.5 kg.

The ninth month

Pregnancy photos in the ninth month
  • The child's length is about 50 cm and its weight is about 300, 3 grams.
  • The function of the lungs fully develops, the limbs are more complete and round. Thinning hair and Sophie 2 length 3 cm.
  • Fetal formation is complete.
  • By the end of the 40th week, the baby's movement is showing less than the previous period.
  • Start strong and irregular contractions.
  • The uterus is the highest level, the mother feels pressure on her stomach and shortness of breath.
  • Be ready to give birth at any time.
  • Total weight gained up to 10 kg.

The ninth month of pregnancy

  • The date of birth is approaching
  • The child's movement becomes a few because there is not enough room for it
  • There may be some numbness in the lower limbs of the pressure of the uterus on the nerves of the legs

Symptoms of the ninth month on the body

  • A change in the activity and movement of the fetus is increased circulation of the fetus while fewer movements kick.
  • Tensile cramps in the legs during sleep.
  • Increased back pain.
  • Pain in the pelvis and buttocks.
  • Increased swelling and swelling in the hands and feet of the face.
  • Increased abdominal itching.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Increase in uterine contractions
  • Lack of activity and weight in the movement sometimes and the feeling of activity sometimes other.
  • Ease of breathing due to fetal descent.
  • Low appetite for food often.
  • Colostomy from the chest.

Psychological symptoms in the ninth month

  • A sense of confusion and anxiety is accompanied by a feeling of pleasure and joy.
  • Disorientation in the mind and lack of attention and forgetfulness.
  • Excessive sensitivity and high susceptibility to the intensity of the unit in the literature and lack of patience.
  • Dreams and fantasies about the upcoming child.

Pregnancy instructions in the ninth month

  1. Intermittent walking is long and preferably walking out of the house in an open space.
  2. The husband has to raise the spirits of his wife and avoid any problem in this period

Fetal shape in the ninth month

Image of the shape of the fetus in the ninth month
  • The growth of the lungs is complete.
  • The embryo head becomes in the holder's pelvis.
  • Have a length of 50 cm and weighs a rate of about 3 kg.
  • Birth can take place at any time of the month.

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