Treatment of the incised tooth

Treatment of the incised tooth

The incision of the pregnant woman causes her very strong pain, as we all know that the fetus in the womb of his mother, feeds on many elements in her body, where pregnant pregnant pregnant women foods that contain elements important for the health of her fetus, Food, the fetus begins to absorb these elements from the body of the mother, and most of those elements absorbed by the fetus from the body of his mother, calcium, which depends on the building of his bones and teeth, which affects the negative impact on the health of the mother and teeth, so we provide the following lines on Journal of Diet how to treat tooth engraved holder and natural ways Safe.

Dental pain in pregnant women

Feeling toothache is one of the most common things for pregnant women, which starts from the first few months of pregnancy and sometimes continues until birth. Most dental painkillers and treatments cannot be used during pregnancy, as they can harm the safety of the fetus. Which is a real crisis for every pregnant woman, who suffers from tooth pain.

Treatment of the incision of the incense holder with alternative medicine

  • Clove : One of the most famous painkillers in the world of dentistry, anyone may feel pain in the teeth at night, late at night, with the inability to go to the doctor, the immediate advice here is the use of cloves, which acts as a local dwelling for teeth, Pregnant women to use it, because of its remarkable ability to eliminate the pain of teeth, as well as it is a natural substance does not cause any harm to the health of the fetus.
  • Mint : It is among the aromatic herbs, which advises many doctors to chew fresh leaves, as it works to improve the mental state of the pregnant, and also helps to greatly reduce the pain of the teeth, in addition to it gives the mouth a refreshing smell, and eliminates the smell of bad breath .
  • Rihan: Since ancient times used basil, to ease the pain of teeth, and can chew basil leaves as they are, as it eliminates the pain of the teeth and gives the mouth a fragrant smell.
  • Ginger, which is one of the natural herbs, used in many foods, which gives a wonderful flavor of food, used by scientists since ancient times in the treatment of tooth pain, as it has a wonderful effect on the treatment of teeth and ease the pain.

Prevention of dental implants

  • Attention should be paid to visiting the dentist every six months, even before pregnancy, in order to ensure the health of the teeth, to avoid dental problems in pregnancy.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste should never be overlooked and should be done after every meal you take, with a toothbrush being changed every three months.
  • Pregnant women should be careful not to eat sugars in large quantities during pregnancy, so as not to weaken their teeth.

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