5 signs of true love

5 signs of true love

5 signs of true love
Love can elevate you to the highest feelings and beautiful feelings, or it will bring you to the saddest, depressed and tense situations, but it is no different than it is one of the strongest and most beautiful feelings people may feel, which is great when all is well, We will review some tips in this article to ensure that love is a beautiful thing and a wonderful event in your life, without leaving behind the deep effects of depression and sadness.

What is true love

True love does not know what it requires, but it knows what it offers willingly. Love does not mean submission or dependence on others, it means liberation and self-realization. But this should not be explained by a lack of interest since the basis of the proper association lies in an emotional tendency that does not lack safety and that the partners do not aspire to any requirements that are exploitative.
On the other hand, you must abandon the super-romantic ideas inspired by Disney stories and Hollywood movies. Most of us believe that the condition in the relationship of true love is an excessive attachment to the lover, although this is, in fact, nothing more than a source of emotional dependence and requirements not related to reality.
True love is not perfect, it is built on the foundations of honesty, respect and mutual trust, and the condition in its time is to sponsor it and give it those small details.

 Gifts and surprises

O husband, women love gifts and surprises, even if it is simple, it is not related to the material value of this gift, but concerns the thinking of her husband and in love and bring him even if a small piece of chocolate that you prefer. It means how much he respects her and his love without expressing it in words. The partner should be careful to give simple gifts to his wife without any occasion for him to feel that he is thinking about them all the time. It is also for the wife it is possible that the wife brings something important to the husband and wants it will strengthen the bonds of communication and love between them.

 Massage work

The work of the massage helps the partner feel relaxed and comfortable, which helps the man to express his feelings towards his wife in a beautiful and satisfactory way, and vice versa. The man is exposed to a lot of pressures at work, which makes him need to relax if he returned and found a lot of other problems with his wife, it makes him explode and think all the time about the reasons that make him come out of the house to seek comfort. It is possible that the wife to express the love inside the partner and do a message to the body of the husband and the work of some simple massage exercises that have the effect of magic on the activation of blood circulation in the body and renewal of activity and thus express his feelings towards his wife smoothly and affectionately and love.

Praise the partner in front of the parents and participate in housework

Praise partner in front of parents of things that promote the good relationship between the couple because it increases the confidence of the partner himself and makes him in a permanent state to do more to satisfy him. Your involvement in your own affairs and taking an opinion about planning for the future or arranging afterlife matters between you help to strengthen the relationship between you. If you are keen on him, you must make the husband feel his value in his life so that he does not search for it in anything else. And it applies to the wife, too, sir. You can help her in the kitchen or talk to her in your plans for the future of children. Such things always make dialogue on the basis of your life.


Hugging is an expression of passion that enhances the bond between the couple in a large way, which contributes to the success of the relationship and makes the two people close to each other physically and emotionally. It is, therefore, necessary that the couple be careful to embrace each other when there is any problem between them to renew love and communication and familiarity between them. Hugging helps to rid a couple of the feeling of tension and gives them comfort and nervous calm because it increases the rest of the body and relax and makes the psychological state of continuous improvement. It works to improve the immune system because it stimulates the gland responsible for the production of white blood cells to produce because of the light pressure, which generates emotional charges that help these pellets to function efficiently.

 Get out together to recover memories

The partner's communication with the company during the working period and the timing of the exit together contribute to strengthening the bond between them because they feel that they want to communicate more together. Going out together in a pleasant walk The woman feels that she is in special time with the beloved. She feels more joyful and happy and returns the memories that were between them during the engagement period. She also feels that her husband belongs to her alone and wants to sit with her and talk a lot and recover the romantic memories that were between the days of the engagement and the period First acquaintance. This period is one of the most emotional moments that have a profound impact on the soul.

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