How to deal with your shy husband

How to deal with your shy husband

How to deal with your shy husband
The shyness of a woman is natural due to her female nature, but it is strange that the man is shy, but a group of women suffers from the shyness of their husbands, which makes them puzzled in the absence of knowledge of the correct ways to deal with them in such situations. Your partner, Madam Khjoula you have to know how to deal with him,

What is shyness of self?

Are painful feelings that appear in the response, to your sense of failure to achieve the ideal state you desire, feelings that include the whole self, and the process of thinking in shyness involves self-interest.
Symptoms of shyness, redness of the face, avoidance of looking at others, and desire to hide in front of people, are often described as a mild form of shyness, which is caused by trivial social excesses (such as stumbling and burping).

Steps to win the heart of your shy husband

The first step is to
treat them in a friendly way, without showing physical temptations, or romantic gestures; because that will make him ashamed, and he will not be able to exchange those signals. The study added that the woman should also feel this shy man that the conversation is with him, and not him; because of the shy thought that everyone is talking about.
Step 2
Try to find out what kind of talk he is comfortable with, because it will make him friendly, open his appetite for conversation, and the topic of conversation he likes will make him more prone to psychological relaxation and conversation. The study said: "The type of talk will make him feel that you share in the interests, as long as you do not meet the limits of ethics."
The third step is
to salute him normally and without exaggeration; because exaggeration disturbs the shy, and penetrates his defensive lines. It is also important not to talk to him about his hairstyle, the color of his eyes or the way he wears it because that will make him feel ashamed. Do not be misunderstood. In general, it is very important that women avoid asking embarrassing questions about their emotional adventures or love and romance. He was called after learning to know his personality and his comfort.
Step 4
If a woman wants to ask questions to a shy man, she should ask questions that are answered with yes or no, because shyness avoids delving into details, for fear of mistakes.
Step 5
Show some boldness with him, but within limits do not make him afraid of your character or evade them. There are shy men who do not benefit the courage of women; for most of them, it may seem morally repugnant. "The show of courage or audacity with shy men must be done in batches; because he likes to analyze things in his own way, and then comes his reaction," the study said.

Ways to deal with an ashy man

When a man feels any feeling he feels or is worried about, whether he is ashamed or anything else, it is imperative that you act in a certain way to overcome it. You must contain your husband and take into account his feelings and attention to what you say so as not to feel embarrassed by you.
And here comes your turn to express your love for your husband and admiration for him with a focus on the things that distinguish this method will make him overcome his shame and regain confidence.
You should also not focus on the reason why he is ashamed and not follow the method of intensity and stubbornness with him because this increases his shame and memory always love him and you love him as he is and you are the only person who should not be ashamed of him.
You should also take care of him and help him to talk to you about anything that makes him ashamed. Always look at your husband with a look of love and admiration that increases his self-confidence.
In the end, you should not be too shy with him or her to have a little bit of courage in some situations until life goes on and you can stand by your husband to overcome his shyness and enjoy a happy married life.
After your knowledge of some of the reasons given in this article and cause shyness of the man. Now .. Remind us what is the reason for your husband's shyness? .. And how do you behave with him?

How to get rid of shyness

Shame causes a feeling of pain, which makes a person strongly desire to get rid of the shyness and feelings he causes in himself.
In an attempt to escape from the feelings of painful shyness, individuals tend to deceive themselves, resorting to defensive tricks, such as blaming and anger on others, and in this way, they may regain some individuals Kgelon their sense of control, and to excel in their lives, but the cost of this term is very large far, has Lead to the destruction of his relationships with others.
If a person does not admit that he suffers from a sense of shame of self, it focuses on another emotional state, which is called emotional substitution, it may be blamed on others, or feel angry, however, replacement is a form of self-deception: it reduces pain and discomfort, but does not change the feeling.
The lack of recognition of shame, may cause confusion to the person, and make him a victim of his feelings, it is better to observe, and recognition so that it can be dealt with and overcome, and the most correct way to deal with him are:
  •  We must accept the feelings of shame, let them dissipate over time, like all the events that happen to us without our intention, and eventually fade away, to be replaced by other emotions, not an emotion that will last forever.
  • , Changing standards, or rules, if no standard is violated, there is no reason to worry about shyness.
  • Avoid self-blame game, because the more the blame, the greater the feelings of shyness of self.
The most important thing to succeed in getting rid of shyness is to forgive yourself, accept it as it is, and hope that you benefited from the article, and you can consult one of our doctors about any health or psychological problem facing you

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