How to be a successful and perfect husband

How to be a successful and perfect husband

Adam How to be a successful husband
Every successful man seeks to be a successful father and wife in the first place, but some men may take the practical life and forget the important role of fatherhood in their lives. Therefore, through this article,

The meaning of the ideal husband 

The ideal husband is the man who walks in his house in a balanced manner that meets all the needs of his family in general and his wife in particular. He does not necessarily have to be an obedient husband for his wife in all matters, but with understanding and balance with his wife reaches the ideal husband in his home.

The importance of being an ideal husband

When you make an effort to become an ideal husband, you will be the first winner of being a perfect husband. You will get a stable family full of happiness and love, and you will have a wife who in turn will be ideal and thus provide you with all the comforts and stability. Being a perfect husband reflects on raising your children and creating their personalities in a balanced way, and they will be proud of you and their community after you. Being a perfect husband makes your wife summarize all the men of the universe in you do not think or need only to be with you and you only.

How to be a perfect husband

The first things you should consider in order to be a perfect husband are to choose your partner in a way that suits your personality and is a balanced choice between feelings and other social conditions. The second thing you should do to be a perfect husband is to be careful about your wife's dignity. That reduces it. Then be a husband who understands your partner's possibilities and asks for her excuse if she is short on some things. In order to be a wonderful husband must be a husband saturated with your wife emotionally and when I say emotionally it does not mean marital relationship only, but extends to praise them in every opportunity and the guidance of wordsThe simple thanks to her for the services provided at home, do not stop the husband for the courtesy of your wife sweetly talk whenever you give you time. In order to be an ideal husband, you must provide all the needs of the house, that is, to be able to meet your financial obligations so that you are an ideal husband. You must be understanding and do not get misfortune in any situation in your life in terms of your wife. In order to be a perfect husband, you have to be a collaborator, especially if the wife is working and to learn that raising children and providing the family needs is a shared responsibility between you. To be a perfect husband, do not forget all the special and beautiful occasions between you and your wives, such as her birthday or wedding day, and even try to bring her happiness especially on such occasions. In order to be a perfect husband you must choose the appropriate times for dialogue and debate and blame and punishment and even punishment, you must have the intelligence to choose the right time for all your life.

Important tips for a husband to be a successful husband

  • The man must be completely frank and say the whole truth and his wife and his wife in every small and large in his personal or practical life and that his wife shares with him in all matters of his life and truth and frankness life is much better
  • When you return from work you have to be with your wife in her life with mind, soul, and body and you have to show her the extent of longing and mutual love between you and you can always remind her in the days she was passing you in life
  • Share your wife in all things of the house and try to share in sadness and joy and share them with all interest and ease the burden on them
  • Dealing with the wife respectfully and try to direct words of praise and thanks to her or provide a gift to express her love like a rose without asking you anything
  • Care and attention are the basis for the survival of any relationship or love after marriage must show her love always and show her the extent of interest and love and love even after many years
  • Be patient as you should be patient and not in a hurry to judge them and try to be aware of the burdens that you do and do not take advantage of these burdens

Convictions you must change

  • The ideal that awaits the husband in his partner has no place except in the imagination, and insistence on them raises the sources of conflict and threatens the marital home with the danger of separation, remember it well; the wife is not an angel walking on the ground, and the husband also - wrong - he is not a cleansed prophet.
  •  Participating in the production of the decision is a prophetic approach, does not impair the man, does not affect the meaning of its strength, but increases the wife's attachment to her husband, and contributes to help him to bear the consequences of family decisions.
  • The husband should understand well the fact that his wife has an independent personality, her own thinking, convictions that may be very different or little from his convictions, loves things he hates and hates things she loves, so whatever the husband does he can not make a duplicate of his wife, The difference is God's year in the earth, and diversity embodies and enriches life.
  • The husband should not look at his wife as a servant to all his wishes, but the most beautiful of their lives to participate in the work of the house, and help in the aid of busy on them, was asked, Ms. Aisha - may Allah be pleased with them -: ( The Prophet peace be upon him at home? said he is in his profession, means: his family service, attended a prayer If left to prayer ), and in the hadith that Aisha -Radha- said: ( the flesh of human beings; Lively his garment, and milks sheep, and serves the same ), and improves The husband should not forget in the midst of his social relations that his wife too, has her womb and her relations and friends and not Samantha, Fimnhaa your time non - meant or weariness as long as it does not affect the responsibility in her home.
  • The husband must remember very well that the concept of guardianship in the verse: "Men are steadfast in women " does not mean that his task is to give orders and to issue instructions and that this mentality will not create happiness or affection, and will not succeed in providing tranquility or tranquility.

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