3 positions do not allow your husband to do with you

3 positions do not allow your husband to do with you

3 positions do not allow your husband to do with you, understanding, respect and love of the basics of successful marriage, and the couple must deal with each other these rules in order to continue happy marital life, and despite that may occur from the husband some disturbing attitudes and attitudes, which often lead to The occurrence of many problems and differences and threaten the stability of married life, but what these behaviors? How can a wife not allow her to happen? Follow this article dear and know the three most disturbing positions issued by the husband and must not allow him to do with you whether it was intentionally or unintentionally.

3 positions do not allow your husband to do with you

The first position: insulting the husband to his wife

One of the most unpleasant and disturbing situations that cause the destabilization of married life is the husband's insult to his wife and his wife's family as well.
Loss of respect and appreciation between the couple destroys the marital relationship significantly, even if the husband joked with you humiliating yourself and your dignity do not allow it at all even if it was a joke.
This is because the lack of respect between the spouses will certainly lead to the absence of understanding and love, and the creation of abuse and humiliation and violence, and this is enough to destroy any marital relationship, so do not allow insulting the husband you either with him or between other people.
Also, do not allow humiliation of the husband to your family, because it is usually in our Arab societies that the wife's family are the first deterrent to her when the husband abuses his behavior and attitudes with her, so always make sure to show your respect for your husband in front of your husband, and you to allow any attitude or behavior insulting your dignity or your feelings Who is your Husband.

Second position: husband treated selfishly

The wife must not allow her husband to deal with their marital relationship selfishly and prefer himself to you all the time in all things, whether in feelings or behaviors or even intimacy.
When the husband behaves selfishly with his wife, life turns into hell, especially if the wife allows it because she will gradually lose her importance and value to her husband and will notice that in his actions and that they were not in his mind when he presented the IC layout even if it was simple.
Therefore, it is necessary to participate and consult the opinions together and not allow the husband otherwise, and know Madam that this will not be only calm and discussion and understanding and not angry and nervous so as not to rehab husband and determined on his actions and selfish positions with you.

Third position: the irresponsibility of the husband

There is nothing worse than a husband who does not take responsibility for his family, his wife and his children!
Therefore, if the husband tried to hold you responsible for the house and the children without interfering in their affairs and not to participate with you, do not ever allow it, and beware of this matter to leave your burdens of married life in all its details without participation with you.
Because this leads to more conflicts and sharp differences between you, as well as the decline of the value of your husband will become for you only a source of money, and over time you will find that his presence has become as important as it was.
This feeling is enough to engage with him in great conflicts, so beware of your husband not being responsible for the problems of his children and did not give him the excuse that he is busy in his work or anything else.

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